Chris Banks Chris Banks

What is Health Part 2

In the last post, we asked the question “What is Health?”

I think that is an important question because while it can be easy to see what unhealthy is, defining health is more difficult. In order to know what steps to take to improve our health, we have to be able to define it. Hopefully, you’ve had a chance to think about how you define health.

In the last post, we asked the question “What is Health?”

I think that is an important question because while it can be easy to see what unhealthy is, defining health is more difficult. In order to know what steps to take to improve our health, we have to be able to define it. Hopefully, you’ve had a chance to think about how you define health.

Now, I’ll share how I define health.

My working definition of Health: Your body, working at 100% of its potential, through all systems.

Think about it. If your heart and cardiovascular system are functioning at 100% of their ability, they are healthy.

If your immune system is functioning at 100% of its ability, it is healthy.

If your lungs and respiratory system are functioning at 100% of their ability, they are healthy.

If your brain and nervous system are functioning at 100% of their ability, they are healthy.

See a pattern? When your body is functioning at 100% of its ability, it is more likely to be healthy, not to mention it will usually feel pretty good too.

So now the question is, what do we need do to make sure we are functioning at 100%, or at least as close as possible?

That is what we will start digging into soon.

Until then, be healthy my friends.

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Chris Banks Chris Banks

What is Health?

What is Health? That is a trillion-dollar question.

No, seriously. In 2017, in the US, we spent $3.5 Trillion. Our nation’s state of health is not healthy.

It is easy to see what unhealthy is; we are surrounded by it. It is much more difficult to define health. Find out how we define it.

What is Health? That is a trillion-dollar question.

No, seriously. In 2017, in the US, we spent $3.5 Trillion (or $3,500,000,000 if you like to see all the zeroes. That averages about $10,000 PER person!) and the amount we spend is projected to increase 5.5% a year between now and 2027 when it is estimated that costs will exceed $6 Trillion.

The state of our nation’s health is VERY unhealthy.

So that brings us back to the initial question.

What is Health?

It is easy to see what unhealthy is, we are surrounded by it. It is much

more difficult to define health.

Some define health as the absence of symptoms.

Some define health as falling within “the normal range” on the test of choice.

Some define health as feeling good.

What I would like to know is: how do you define Health?

Is it based more on feeling or function? There are no wrong answers.

I’ll give you my answer very soon.

Till then, be healthy my friends,

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Chris Banks Chris Banks

What is Nutrition?

What exactly is Nutrition? We talk about what it definitely is not, and then give you some answers. Food is fuel! Learn more.

What exactly is Nutrition?

Talk about a loaded question.

I think first off, it is important to talk about what Nutrition is NOT.
Nutrition is NOT a diet.
Nutrition is NOT about losing weight.
Nutrition is NOT a fad.
Nutrition is NOT something that you do for 4-6 weeks, then go back to old habits.

What Nutrition IS, is making sure you are putting the right things in your body, so that your body will have all the nutrients necessary to function at its best.

Some of what you take in will be used as fuel to run all of the body’s functions. Some of what you take in will be used to repair and rebuild the body. Good Nutrition gives you good materials to work with. Poor nutrition creates inferior results.

So the saying “You are what you eat” is accurate. Your body is going to break down what you eat and use the nutrients to run its functions and repair itself. Give your body what it needs to be at its best and you won’t be sorry. We’ll explore more of the ins and outs of Nutrition as we move forward.

Until next time, be healthy my friends.

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Chris Banks Chris Banks

Insurance Questions

Insurance can be a pain in the tush. We want your process to be as painless as possible, so we do not bill insurance, now while we don’t bill them directly, there are a couple options.

A question we often get is “Do you take insurance?”

The short answer is no, we don’t bill insurance. However, while we don’t bill insurance directly, there are actually a couple of ways that insurance can be used in our office.

First, even though we do not bill insurance, we are always happy to provide our patients with any information that is needed so it can be submitted to the insurance company for reimbursement.

Secondly, our patients are able to use their HSA to pay for care. HSA’s allow health care-related expenses to be paid for just like cash. They are easy and convenient to use.

Both of these are ways that insurance or HSA’s can be utilized for care.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. We are always happy to answer your questions to the best of our ability.

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