What is Health Part 2

In the last post, we asked the question “What is Health?”

I think that is an important question because while it can be easy to see what unhealthy is, defining health is more difficult. In order to know what steps to take to improve our health, we have to be able to define it. Hopefully, you’ve had a chance to think about how you define health.

Now, I’ll share how I define health.

My working definition of Health: Your body, working at 100% of its potential, through all systems.

Think about it. If your heart and cardiovascular system are functioning at 100% of their ability, they are healthy.

If your immune system is functioning at 100% of its ability, it is healthy.

If your lungs and respiratory system are functioning at 100% of their ability, they are healthy.

If your brain and nervous system are functioning at 100% of their ability, they are healthy.

See a pattern? When your body is functioning at 100% of its ability, it is more likely to be healthy, not to mention it will usually feel pretty good too.

So now the question is, what do we need do to make sure we are functioning at 100%, or at least as close as possible?

That is what we will start digging into soon.

Until then, be healthy my friends.


What is Health?